My mom picked up a map of Oregon coast lighthouses and they were off! Because they were determined to visit every, single one of those bad boys, we ended up separating and meeting back up in Northern California for the night. Our foursome just couldn’t keep up with all the lighthouse chasing. Before they were lighthouse hunters though, my parents joined our family for some whale and seal spotting. Oregon’s coastline is so varied–sandy beaches here, around the corner, smooth, black rocks and over there a couple cliffs and giant trees for good measure. It’s like God had so many ideas He just couldn’t narrow them down.
“Heck with it,” God said. “I’ll just use all of this stuff and surprise the socks off everyone who comes this way.”
And we were surprised…by whales, by white foam that sprays up when one least expects it, by how all the colors just seem to go together and how the seals show off their surfing skills and I swear to you, actually LOOK up at the camera to see if we’re watching them.
It’s hard to get from Point A to Point B along this road because we had to stop every 5.7 minutes to jump out of the car and run around marveling at all the gorgeousness. Good thing we planned an entire day for such behavior or we would have been in trouble. Our motto is to go slowly so there’s always time to digest one roadside snack before you stop for another.
One note before I share the photos. We were in Oregon and California almost two, full weeks and during that time, we did in fact, change Paige’s clothes but this girl has a FAVORITE outfit and that’s just always what she goes for time and again. Thank God (for Oregon surprises) and a HomeAway house with a washer and dryer.